Grand Futures Rx Awareness Nights

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Name: Grand Futures Rx Awareness Nights
Date: November 10, 2016
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM MST
Event Description:
Youth 12-17 night for:
Grand Futures Prevention Coalition is hosting two nights of Rx (Prescription Drug) Awareness Nights for the community to learn more about this issue and its effects. Showing the documentary "Chasing the Dragon", which focuses on the effects of prescription drug misuse and abuse through the eyes of addicts. This documentary gives a chilling account of the ease of falling into a drug addiction lifestyle and the impact it has not just on the individual, but a whole community. Dr. Elise Sullivan will then speak about what she's seen locally in the Craig community with regards to not just Rx misuse/abuse, but also the rise in heroin. A time for Q&A, then a drawing for medicine lockboxes. 
CMS auditorium
Date/Time Information:
Doors open at 6:30 p.m.

Nov. 10, for youth 12-17
Contact Information:
Karli Bockelman 824-5752
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