Exit Planning Office Hours

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Name: Exit Planning Office Hours
Date: December 6, 2023
Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM MST
Event Description:
Northwest Small Business Development Center presents a live webinar on exit planning. Every business should integrate an exit plan into their business plan. It's an ongoing business strategy, because an "exit-ready" business is attractive and transferable. Waiting on the market or when you're "burned out" rarely produces a successful sale. You don't know when a life-altering event or an unsolicited offer could arrive, and you want your business to be ready to maximize the valuation and sales price! Register: https://clients.coloradosbdc.org/workshop.aspx?ekey=140430146 During this live webinar, we will talk about the importance of exit planning, but also create an open forum of Q&A, with interactive conversation among participants and our hosts. It won't be recorded for on-demand viewing.
Date/Time Information:
December 6, 11:00am-12:00noon
Contact Information:
Danise Cardona, Program Coordinator danise@northwestsbdc.org
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