OVERVIEW: The Economic Development Council of Colorado (EDCC) takes a comprehensive approach to how we share information. Each region of Colorado is unique but can often be similar in assets and challenges. By using examples from the host region, attendees are learning about new tools and resources they can apply in their communities. These one-day forums also provide a platform for the hosting community to showcase successful economic development initiatives, attract investment, foster partnerships, and provide valuable lessons learned to attendees. Learn about successful economic development initiatives, innovative programs, and best practices from other communities and regions across the state. This includes insights into addressing common challenges and capitalizing on opportunities. Understand broader statewide initiatives and programs, such as the Colorado Food Summit and the NSF Colo-Wyo Engine and how they connect to regional efforts. Connect with a diverse network of peers, including elected officials, business leaders, economic development professionals, government agencies, non-profits, and educational institutions. This fosters collaboration and potential partnerships. Discover new resources, tools, and strategies for economic development, often presented by local, state, and national experts. This can include information on funding opportunities, technical assistance, and best practice models. Gain a deeper understanding of the specific economic context of the host region, including its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This provides valuable context for discussions and potential collaborations. Participate in targeted professional development sessions, focusing on relevant skills and knowledge for economic development professionals. CONFERENCE ATTENDEES REPRESENT: Hosting community: local leaders and businesses, government agencies, non-profit organizations, universities, and community colleges. State-wide: cities from across the state, businesses and corporations, non-profit organizations, government agencies, universities, community colleges and more.